Pdf parshall flume calibration for hydrograph measurement. Flow analyzer ida1s fluke biomedical pressure control for. Electronic user manual and hydrograph software 48459. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies. Ida1s is a portable, batteryoperated instrument that allows for. Indiamart medical laboratory instruments chemical analysis equipment. Fluke products are one of, if not the, most impressive on the market.
Metteam express software, included with the metcal plus application, offers basic asset management, data storage and report generation. Ida1s is equipped with integrated hydrograph software and can be used to test a. Ida hydrograph software fbc software downloads fluke. For automated infusion pump testing, the ida 4 plus is compatible with fluke.
Fluke metrology software version 7 software 2 safety information calibrating instruments may require dangerous voltages to be generated or measured by the calibration system. Windows compatible graphics software for ida1s and ida5 infusion device analyzers to control unit, display results and print results. Software for the simulation of precipitation andor. Fluke test equipment fluke multimeters, multifunction. The move was designed to bring the acquired brands together under a single unified brand, while leveraging the strength of the existing fluke brand. Fluke scopemeters davis offers a fluke portable scopemeter with bandwidths from 20 to 200 mhz, and sample rates up to 2. Lite version data acquisition software for use with model 2638a05 120.
Ida hydrograph software windows compatible graphics software for ida1s and ida5 infusion device analyzers to control unit, display results and print results via pc. Asset management software metteam and metteam express software are easytouse, browserbased calibration asset management solutions. Fluke tools help business and industry work across the globe, from industrial electronics installation, maintenance and service to precision measurement and quality control. You can use matlab together with instrument control toolbox as your single software environment to configure, control, acquire, and analyze data from fluke instruments once data is in matlab, you can analyze and visualize that data for tasks such as signal processing, statistical analysis, digital filtering. For automated testing, the ida 4 plus is compatible with fluke biomedicals medtester 5000c us only. The company in particular specialises in essential testing equipment for almost any situation within the. Fluke 2680aapswithl daq software for 2638a05 120, lite version model. Rainfall isohyetal data and the soil, development types pervious ratio are automatically area averaged for soil antecedent moisture conditions required for most counties. Fluke software enhances your current test and measurement equipment by allowing you to track and analyze your measurements. Calibration instruments and software from fluke calibration are found in calibration facilities around the world, including national metrology institutes, that demand the highest levels of performance and reliability for their calibration equipment, backed by stateoftheart metrology and uncompromising support.
Infusion analyzer pump tester fluke biomedical ida 4 plus device. The series are available in single color, two color and fiber optic endurance models. Hydrograph resultsreporting software to display, store and recall results via pc. Hydrograph software for ease of use ensure infusion pumps are tested accurately and quickly with real time results using the ida1s onechannel infusion device analyzer, the newest member of the fluke biomedical ida family.
Optional ansur automation software completely integrates medical device testing including electrical. Fluke process instruments the fluke process instruments brand made its debut in august 2015. The specific structure of the model is based on assumptions encoded for maricopa county, arizona, which is an urbanized area in the desert southwest of the usa, so the model is. Calibration instruments from fluke calibration are found in calibration laboratories and process measurement instrument shops around the world, including national. Be the first to know when we have news, discounts, special offers and promotions. Fluke biomedical will not be responsible for lost shipments or instruments that are received in damaged condition due to improper packaging or handling. The unit may also be linked to, controlled by and display results via a pc using an external program, such as hydrograph available from fluke biomedical. Fluke offers precision power quality analyzers that feature a color display of waveforms and trends, and allow you generate reports with included software. Click on a category to view a selection of compatible accessories with the fluke 8846asu 120v digital precision multimeter with software and cable, 6. Fluke qa es ii service manual ida5 infusion device analyzer fluke biomedical db ii lcd service manual.
Raytek, ircon, and datapaqtogether we are fluke process instruments. Prosim 3 and 2 vital signs simulators fluke corporation. Fluke process instruments e1rhf2l00 endurance series infrared high temperature ratio pyrometers, to 3200 c, laser model. Fluke offers a wide range of electronic test and measurement tools, network troubleshooting equipment, digital multimeters, electrical testers, process calibrators and. Logware lets you acquire data to your pc graphically and store it to a text file. A readme file containing installation instructions is included with each of the software distribution files. This is a discussion forum for users of mettrack asset management software. How can more than one channel on the ida 4 plus be used when the ida 4 plus is used as a standalone instrument without hydrograph. Ii 3 g ex na iib t6 log up to 8,493 pressure measurements to memory fluke 3. Ida5 infusion pump tester and analyzer fast, accurate and proven infusion device analyzer helps increase productivity based on sophisticated measurement technology trusted by biomedical professionals around the world, the ida5 is a multichannel infusion device analyzer that can test up to 4 infusion pumps at once. The innovative endurance series of lowtemperature and. Fluke biomedicals infusion device analyzers test all brands of intravenous.
Page 4 to ensure the accuracy of the product is maintained at a high level, fluke biomedical recommends the product be. Share information among the community of individuals and businesses using fluke calibration warranted procedures for. Fluke tools are known for portability, safety, easeofuse, accuracy and rigid standards of quality. Find instrument drivers that are available for this instrument for use in labview, labwindowscvi, or measurement studio. Product firmware, software upgrades and standalone applications. Create configuration files, collect data to csv file, trend charting, web interface. Fluke calibration is a leader in precision calibration instruments, equipment, service and software for electrical, rf, temperature, humidity, pressure, and flow measurements. Alle oberflachen des instruments mit dickem papier oder karton schutzen. Fluke biomedical ida5 infusion device analyzer 4349328. Additional fluke and raysafe products are available. Overview using matlab software with fluke instruments. Fluke 8846asu 120v digital precision multimeter with. Store and retrieve your data for a later date and print professional reports for your customers.
Fluke offers a wide range of electronic test and measurement tools, network troubleshooting equipment, digital multimeters, electrical testers, process calibrators and calibration equipment for industrial application. Fluke calibration is a calibration equipment manufacturer specializing in precision calibration instruments, equipment, service and software for electrical, rf, temperature, humidity, pressure and flow measurements. Page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 table of contents page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 notices page 10 warnings page 11 storage and shipping page 12 warranty page introduction page 14 features page 15 specifications page 16 physical. You can use matlab together with instrument control toolbox as your single software environment to configure, control, acquire, and analyze data from fluke instruments. The ida1s infusion pump tester measures the flow rate and volume delivered, and the pressure generated in occlusions or blockages of the fluid line. Manufacturing location the ida1s infusion device analyzer is manufactured at fluke biomedical, 6920 seaway blvd. Ida5 infusion pump tester and analyzer domotechnica australia. Provides noncontact infrared temperature measurement and thermal profiling solutions with over 200 years of combined experience. Measurements can now be stored in the cloud, where teams can always access the data on their smart device or computer. Calibrating a rational method hydrograph model for.
Calibration instruments and software from fluke calibration are found in calibration facilities around the world, including national metrology institutes, that demand the highest levels of performance and reliability for their calibration equipment, backed by stateof. Its the easiest data acquisition program youll ever use. Hydrographs green stormwater modeling software, cloud. Professor, bernie engel, abe, purdue university email. Ida5 infusion pump tester and analyzer domotechnica.
Enabling our customers to make products that help the world function better. Fluke biomedical ida1a infusion device analyzer 4468525. Ida hydrograph is used for ida1s og ida5, which is fluke biomedicals infusion pump analyzers. The ida1s infusion device analyzer is a portable, batteryoperated instrument that allows for speedy verification when testing infusion device performance.
Testgerate fluke ida1s portable, batterypowered infusion analyser. Metteam software offers more advanced asset management features, including productivity management, parts management and. Fluke 1730 three phase energy logger software downloads. Endurance high temperature infrared pyrometers fluke. Three industry leaders raytek, ircon and datapaq joined together to create this company, offering a broad portfolio of industrial temperature measurement solutions. Fluke corporation is the world leader in professional electronic test tools and software for measuring and condition monitoring. Fluke 1740 series threephase power quality loggers software downloads fluke 1742, 1746 and 1748 power quality logger software fluke 1750 threephase power recorder software and firmware. Noncontact temperature measurement and profiling equipment made for use in todays most demanding environments. Ida1s single channel infusion device analyzer ce group lebanon. This spreadsheet based stormwater hydrograph modeling module applies the widely utilized rational method to estimate hydrographs and flooding for urban watersheds. Fluke connect software collects, stores and makes viewable machine data from more than 80 fluke tools and sensors.
Hydrograph is a windows compatible graphics application for ida1s and ida5 infusion device analyzers to control unit, display results and print results via pc. Learn more about fluke calibration visit the my metsupport software community. Hydrograph graphical software to control unit, display results and print results via pc global sales, service and support analyze the performance of a wide variety of infusion pumps quickly and accurately with the ida1s. To avoid electrical shock and fire hazards, follow the instructions below. Ida1s infusion device analyzer domotechnica australia. Device analyzer ida 4 plus, electrolyte analyser, electrolyte. The fluke process instruments endurance series has been designed to meet the requirements of modern industry that allows you to integrate with all major control systems quickly, easily and seamlessly. Metron qa1290 service and user manual fluke qaes ii user manual, quality calibration services for fluke instruments by tektronix. Fluke 59 mini infra red thermometer offers quick and reliable surface temperature readings. Fluke manufactures instruments such as function generators and digital multimeters. Get a quote and buy 6515016454093 and other nsn parts. Fluke 700g series precision pressure test gauge fluke 700g series precision pressure test gauges gauges ranging from 30 psi to 0 psi.
Fluke biomedicals infusion device analyzers test all brands of intravenous pumps and are compatible with a wide. Windows compatible graphics software for ida1s and ida5 infusion device analyzers to control unit, display results and print results via pc. Janz corp fluke biomedical ida1a infusion device analyzer 4468525 fluke biomedical ida1a infusion device analyzer shipping is included on all fluke products. The software incorporates a number of useful tools, including easytouse data handling module with a dbase style database engine, simulation and calibration of hydraulics and water quality, display of computed data with the help of external spreadsheet software, and optimization based on dynamic programming algorithm. Selection of the following options preceded by a binary icon retrieves a compressed unix tar file or a selfextracting dos executable. Page 4 to ensure the accuracy of the product is maintained at a high level, fluke biomedical recommends the product be calibrated at least once every 12 months. Ida1s is a batteryoperated portable instrument that can be used to check the. We also accept wire transferseft, cheques and purchase orders on approved credit. Service and repair is guaranteed until february 10, 2019. Product name, applicable licenses, version and serial numbers manual title, part number and version operating system and version.
Fluke ida1s infusion device analyzer 4468525 integrated carrying handle and lightweight 2. Example programs are included with most instrument driver downloads. Hydrographs green stormwater modeling software, cloudbased. Download fl289, a labview serial plug and play projectstyle instrument driver for a multimeter,true rms multimeter from fluke, models. Hydrographs is designed to make focusing on what really matters easy. Before calling, be sure to first check the manual and online help. A new fluke process instruments website was created and new products are being launched under the new brand. Webbased hydrograph analysis tool, baseflow separation. Fluke ida1s infusion device analyzer 4468525 integrated. Both the operator and procedure writer must be aware of possible hazards. Turn any fluke calibration handheld or tweener thermometer into a realtime data logger with fluke calibrations logware software package for windows. Cloudbased stormwater management projects are stored in the cloud and can be accessed anywhere and shared with anyone. We recommend the ida5 infusion device analyzer in place of this product.
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